Vietnam Intangible Cultural Heritages

If you are interested in discovering intangible cultural features, Vietnam is a top country to travel as there are a lot of intangible cultural heritage forms in the area recognized by UNESCO. They are different types of Vietnamese traditional music from North to South and national festivals dated from hundreds of years ago. Travel to Vietnam and join in the traditional shows which brings the soul of Vietnam will make you love this country more. Each of the places in Vietnam, which bring own color and not the same with others. So, if you like your tour in Vietnam are more colorful, you can join some of the cultural heritages in any destination in Vietnam during your stop in this magic land. Some of the Culture Heritages are Quan Ho Bac Ninh Folk Song, Ca Tru Singing, Giong Festival, Nha Nhac – Vietnamese court music, Xoan Singing, Worship of Hung King, etc…

Here is some Culture Heritage make your days in Vietnam!